Drug Abuse

Image result for drug abuse
Drug abuse is another issue we need to talk about. People tend to misuse drugs especially young people. They tend to use drugs excessively because they think it's good for them or because they want to be among the crew of friends.
                                          MEANING OF DRUG ABUSE
Drug abuse as the name implies is the excessive use of drug without a doctors prescription.
If you check you will see that the category of drug abusers are mostly teenagers. They do this because they see their peers doing the same and because they want to fee among.
               HOW IT STARTS

  • from peers 
  • wrong friends
  • wanting to also be among
  • Wrong advice
                                           EFFECTS OF DRUG ABUSE
  • weakens the immune system and cause other kinds of ricks and illness
  • Abdominal pains
  • Increased strain on the liver which can cause liver failure
  • Stroke and mental dis function or brain damage
  •  Lungs disease
  • Madness

Image result for drug abuse

  • The NDLEA must be put into force and should work effectively
  • You should never give in to peer pressure
  • Always learn how to deal with life pressure and not by using drugs
  • Stay close to families and loved ones
  • Do what makes you happy and that will keep you busy
  • Develop a very good and healthy habit 
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You can also follow my other bloggers on the same topic on https://medlineplus.gov/drugabuse.html
Drug Abuse Drug Abuse Reviewed by Peace Simeon on June 05, 2019 Rating: 5

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