Emotional abuse and how to deal with it

Being back again is an opportunity and I thank God. As always I will always thank my contributors. Thanks to Faith Alugbue for her contribution.

                                             MEANING OF EMOTIONAL ABUSE

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 Emotional abuse as our topic today can be seen mostly in relationships,marriages,families friends and colleagues. Emotional abuse can be seen as a feeling of self worthlessness or self esteem that is been caused by another. Making someone feel less important or making them feel a low self esteem means that you are emotionally abusing the person.

                                           EMOTIONAL ABUSE VS PHYSICAL ABUSE.

Emotional abuse is quite worst than the physical abuse. People often think that physical abuse is worst than the emotional abuse but it's not true because physical abuse keeps wounds on your outer self but emotional abuse is something that can't be seen buy felt. Emotional abuse is more serious than physical abuse because it can at times affect your way of thinking amd the  way you behave among your friends. Emotional abuse is mainly seen in relationships because the guy will always want to impose some certain types of authority over you which will definitely change your way of thinking and your way of doing things.

                                        TYPES OF EMOTIONAL ABUSE .

Verbal emotional abuse: This is when he shouts at you and embarrasses you in public because of a small fault .Social emotional abuse: This is when he tends to monitor your social medial and the what you do there. He monitors your relationship with friends and loved ones. He always wants you two to be together all the time

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sixteen warnings will be discussed here 

1)He never misses the opportunity to call you names and embarrass you in public .
2)He always wants you to agree to everything he says .
3)He always monitors you movements and the people you meet .
4)He never gives room for you to have a social life with the opposite sex .
5)He always wants you around him .
6)He will never give your ideas a second thought.
7)He just dismisses them even before you finish .
8)He keeps track of your calls .
9)He always claims to he jealous and in that way he insults you .
10)He accuses you of everything even when it's not your fault .
11)He accuses you for his errors .He never apologizes for anything .
12)He will always want to be the Mr right in everything.
13)Always accuses  you of cheating.
14)He forces you to do only his bidding even when you don't want to.
15)Always use your weakness against you.
16)Always recognizes your fault and uses them against you


 It is of  a truth that you can never change an emotional abuser. No matter what you try to do for him,he will always find a fault in it. If you experience such in your relationship then you should try this steps
 1)Try staying away from the abuser: Don't always keep in touch with the abuser as he will always make you feel like you are not worth the time.
2)Always dismiss him when you see any sign of it: When you are with him and you sense that he will insult you or something,it's better you walk away and leave the discussion.
 3)Let him know hoe you feel: Anytime he insults you and you feel you are hurt inside,make him know that you don't appreciate his harsh comments,let him know that when he tries it again you will walk out on him.
4)Do the things you love doing: Just concentrate on the things that make you happy. Try doing new things that will keep your mind busy and off you abuser
5)Stay around motivational people: If you feel like your set of friends motivates you,then try hooking up with them. Stay around the people that will make you happy and see things the brighter way.
6)You can choose to walk out: Since you cannot change him then what is the use of being with somebody that only hurt you. If you choose to leave then you are free. After all you are not the same person and there is nothing you can do about their case. Instead of you suffering in silence then why not just walk out and surround yourself with people that will give you joy because if you choose to continue,it might affect you in every aspect of your life that even you will look down on yourself. Was this write up useful?? Why not tell me more of how you feel in that relationship and you will be surprised the responses you will get that will help you. Like always feel fell to comment in the box below and to like my page. You can also subscribe to always get every updates on my blog and interesting topics.
Emotional abuse and how to deal with it Emotional abuse and how to deal with it Reviewed by Peace Simeon on May 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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